Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Refuse to Be a Victim

Perhaps, you have seen me on Facebook, alerting you to the shysters who have been systematically fleecing us through their corporations, banks, insurance companies and even our own government. Well, it is my calling to help good people wake up and protect themselves.

Things have not been going very well. Insiders tell me that we haven't seen anything yet. 2008-10 was a dress rehearsal.

Meanwhile, many people diddle daddle, thinking that everything will eventually go back to normal. Don't hold your breath.

I exist for one reason. Today, I am calling good and sentient citizens to come together. Let's carve out our own prosperity and let's beat the shysters. We have legal strategies to do it.

Here's one thing I can do for you today. I can set you up with a self funding business. Your initial costs of only $300.00 may easily be recovered within six months. The Money Power System can be an awesome move for you. Don't pass up this chance to improve your financial situation. Use the MPS to literally give yourself a raise.

I am a Life Coach. You will have my services for a lifetime. The normal rate is $840.00 and by being one of my first 100 clients, $300.00 will put the Money Power System into your hands. This is a very, very big break for you. Use it well.

You can start today. Call me or send me a private message on Facebook.

Ken Aspinwall
Skype ken5250
Click here for Facebook

Who is Ken Aspinwall? Click here to know.

NOTE: Of the $300.00 fee, you will actually use $160.00  to fund your first two months of the JSS3. The remaining $140.00 covers your PC initiation fee and the first month of your subscription.. By following our easy system, your expenses should be covered by your fourth month. Very powerful!

Monday, September 13, 2010

I Refuse To Do Anything to Make Things Work

Offer an opportunity to this special kind of person and you can predict the outcome. We know the person who can think of a 100 reasons that something won't work. These are not possibility thinkers.

They don't need 100 reasons because one is enough. The main reason that nothing works for them is their own mental programming. Some people have been raised to be extremely negative. They will not look at the possibilities. They refuse to see themselves as problem solvers.

Our survival depends upon our willingness to face problems realistically and come up with real solutions. Our ability to do this can make a big difference in the quality of our life.

One man said it well. Whether we believe that we can or can't do something, we are probably right.

Clearly, we have a choice. What's it going to be?

With God all things are possible. Will you believe it?

Who Is Ken Aspinwall?